I don't want to have to throw anything out during the upcoming kitchen purge, so it all must go. But since I have not lived at the Fraternity for a long time, my tolerance is at an all-time low. Seriously, after a few drinks I just get tired, and want a nap.
Anyways, I have been trying to get everything else ready for the new year. I found my FitBit Zip in the bottom of my junk drawer, and had to get a new battery for it. The app is downloaded onto my Surface, and plan on using that for tracking my weight and daily calories. I know there is a lot of devices that do the same thing, but I already have the Zip, and it works.
Today is my last day of bad food, so I will make it count. Starting with McDonald's breakfast and coffee. I will miss this delicious greasy goodness. If I can stay awake tonight, I will open up one of the big bottles of Cook'stal that we have left over from the wedding and usher in the new year, married style. With me and Tiffany most likely working New Years day, the party will be well below mild.
Tonight I will finalize my plan and goals for the New Year, New Me diet, and get them posted. Hopefully I can make it through these next few months and feel much better about it. Stay tuned.
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