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Friday, December 27, 2013

The History

This is a whole new idea to me, writing that is.  So I will tell you where you can put your negative criticisms. (Hint: #yourass)
I have never been much of a writer or a reader for that matter.  I have always thought that a movie is always better and more efficient than reading the book.120 min vs.6 weeks (for me). I found proof right HERE.

Anyways, back to the point.  I have been really overweight for most of my life.  Currently at 260 lbs.  That is a 37.3 BMI and not attractive or healthy.  There were times in college I was down to 200 lbs. but that was after a summer of working 8hrs./day in a plywood mill and then running at least 4 miles afterward.  This is when I  had the energy and drive of a 20 year old.

That was 11 years ago.  Now I am graduated, married, fat, and lazy.  Sure I belong to a gym, but who doesn't just to make themselves feel better.  I couldn't tell you the last time I went.  Maybe sometime in September. There have been several diet attempts that never worked. Except Ephedrine and Caffeine, but those are not easy to get in the States anymore.

Being a good American Blue Collar worker, I eat like crap!  Breakfasts from mini-marts, lunch from fast food joints, and all dinners usually include lots of meat, little vegetables, and lots of starch, and of course all covered with fat.  Top this off with countless energy drinks and soda throughout the day.

With the new year upon us, many start the long road to being healthy.  Most will fall along the trail, but instead of dysentery, or snake bite (Oregon Trail Game) the reason will be no willpower. I have done this almost every year of my adult life.  But it is time to make a change.

Recently my wife, Tiffany, and I have watched the documentary "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead." Wow, what a wake-up call.  It was amazing what Joe Cross could do with a Juicer.  He lost over 100 lbs and quit taking all of his fat guy medications.  So I bought a juicer, a Breville BJE510XL Ikon Juice Extractor.  $300, but I was dedicated to this idea, and have spent about the same on pill bottle diets.

We have tried a lot of different juice recipes, and they are ok-ish.  The more sweet fruits in it, the better it tastes, but that is just extra sugar in your diet.  I am sure after getting used to a vegetable juice diet, they will taste a lot better.

So we are going to try the Juice Cleanse/Diet at the start of the new year.  The Reboot with Joe plan costs upwards of $150 for a 15 day plan. I think I can figure out how to make juice throughout the day with out that kind of cost.  I'll soon work on a more structured plan to get me through the next 30+ days.

It's going to be a rough journey, but maybe I'll keep on it if I Blog about it, and put up status pictures of my fat white self.  Let's see where this goes.


1 comment:

  1. You have a great juicer- a great attitude- now, just DO IT
    and don't look backwards.
    So, what if you go 10- 15- or longer without eating food- That amt of time is a DROP in the ocean of your life.
    37.3 BMI
    is NOTHING to be carefree over.
    That is heartattack zone- morbidly obese
    I am there at that mark too.
    I am on day 5 and will continue this till March 15th 2013
    Andrew- the board is full of support-= just reach out and grab it
